JACK KEMP, UNGHOSTED: Thoughts on ‘Remembering Jack Kemp’

Mel Dyer
2 min readMar 26, 2022

If I said that Donald Trump’ s greatest trick is presenting himself, as a fake Jack Kemp — his pretense to populism…pretending to espouse the things that distinguished Kemp, as a Republican ..and as a MAN — would the average American even know who ‘Jack Kemp’ was? Republicans have never shat on one of their own, the way they totally ghosted Secretary Jack Kemp, the so-called ‘Bleeding Heart Conservative’, who championed labor and small business, more often than was acceptable by his bloodless, soul-killing party bosses.

Conservatives should be working to empower and encourage the maximum participation of their fellow Americans, in free enterprise…in capitalism. To hell, with that rugged individualism garbage! People need this encouragement from their leaders — that’s the job — and Sec. Jack Kemp knew the importance of that…

See him, now. Here’s Jack Kemp, ..unghosted.


Edgar Miraculous (Mel) Dyer, without his fine, coyote-hatin’ Goldiweiller, Kirby (now moved on to that big, coyote-hatin’ hate group in the Sky) continues a somewhat bleaker, dogless existence in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC. He has been an active member of the Latino Culture Council of the Capitol Area (El Consejo de Cultura Latina — La Zona del Capitolio) and the Kiwanis Club of Capitol Hill.

Originally published at https://capicostia.blogspot.com.



Mel Dyer

Mel Dyer is an American freelance technical writer, blogger…loves King Arthur and Wonder Woman. He‘s been assistant editor of the Federal Regional Yellow Book.